Tree Injection
Tree Health Care
Doggett's Premier Tree Fertilizers
Doggett has enhanced the performance of it's tree fertilizers with the addition of soluble concentrated humates. Concentrated, dry, soluble humic acid stimulates roots and enhances nutrient uptake. Doggett Tree Fertilizers w/Humic Acid actually reduce mixing rates and costs!
Humic Acid has numerous benefits to good tree health:
TreeSaver Mycorrhizae Inoculants
Lanphear Supply is your source for TreeSaver mycorrhizal spore products.
Plant scientists have known that the feeder roots of all trees are normally colonized by a unique group of beneficial root inhabiting fungi, creating structures called "mycorrhizae" (Greek for "fungus-root"). In most environments, trees cannot survive without them. Thanks to recent advances, these mycorrhizal fungi can now be introduced and managed to produce tree health.
Over 50 years of research have shown that mycorrhizae benefit trees by:
These mycorrhizae products are available as a dry mix for use in transplanting and as a soluble injectable powder for use as a soil injection treatment.
Lanphear Supply has developed a Self-study Package, consisting of an Applicator's Manual and a Training Video availabe as a kit for $75.00. This training material covers injection procedure, including capsule placement, dosage calculation, and safety & disposal. This is an excellent method by which to learn about and get some experience with Mauget & Alamo Tree Injection.
We schedule injection training sessions at our premises on a regular basis. This is an excellent method by which you and your applicators can learn about and get some hands-on experience with Mauget Tree Injection. These sessions are offered free of charge.
Mauget's newest insecticides, Imicide - containing the same material as Merit and Inject-A-Cide "AV" - containing Abamectin (AVID), are non-restricted use products. Mauget's newest fungicide, Tebuject, is labled for apple scab fungus control on crabapples. Find out about these products and the entire line of Mauget & Alamo Tree Injection products at one of Lanphear Supply's Tree Injection Workshops. Call 1-800-332-TREE (8733) for details.
Easy As 1,2,3
Expand profits and services. Easy and fast, full season insect/disease control and fertilization. Minimal exposure to applicator and customer. Practical information about products, techniques, environmental and applicator safety.
Tree Fertilization...Stimulate Tree & Business Growth!
Learn how you can enhance tree response while stimulating business growth. Hear "state-of-the-art" information from a practicing arborist about the benefits of tree fertilization and ways by which you can create healthy trees and profits.
Newest Innovation in Tree Care...
Mycorrhizae Soil
A great add-on service, mycorrhizae increase nurtrient and water update and stress tolerance while decreasing transplant shock and root diseases. Learn how to treat new and existing trees, shrubs and flowers.
Battle Dutch Elm Disease & Oak Wilt with Alamo
Alamo is not only the most effective cure for oak wilt and dutch elm disease, but it's also the most expedient as well. The new mircro-injection units reduce treatment time from over six hours to less than one!
Seminar Leader:
Lauren Lanphear, President of Lanphear Supply, past-President of the NAA, and a nationally recognized authority on tree nutrition, fertilization and injection. He has personally trained over 1,000 individuals across the U.S. in these tree-care techniques.
Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. Seminars run from 9:00 a.m. to approx.
3:00 p.m. Lunch included for preregistrants.
Cost: $50 for the first
person; $25 for each additional person from the same firm. Registration at
door is $15 per person higher.
Please call 1-800-332-TREE or e-mail us at lauren@lanphearsupply.com for seminar dates and registration information.